Facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering adoption can be an emotional choice. Placing your child for adoption is a huge decision that has a lot of elements to it. There is plenty of room for questions and concerns. It’s okay to not know everything. There are people that are here to help you. Adoption agencies provide all the support and answers you need. Within this article, will be a list of suggested questions Expecting Parents should ask adoption agencies when considering placing their child for adoption.

What states are your adoptive families located?  

Obtaining this information is important because it will allow you to know where your child would be living. This could be an insight as to what kind of culture your child would be exposed to.

What kind of ongoing support do you provide for birth families, children, and adoptive families?

Sometimes after everything is all said and done, you might develop grief. Everything could run smoothly during the adoption placement and later in life you might develop emotional distress. Will the adoption agency provide you with emotional support? It’s important to know if these support services are available because you never know if you will need them.

What protection do you have in place for birth parents to continue an open adoption agreement if the adoptive parents stop responding?

Birth parents and adoptive parents could have an agreement about open adoption at the beginning of their adoption journey. Unfortunately, there are some instances where the initial agreement is not being honored by the adoptive parents after the adoption is finalized. Asking questions about how to handle this situation, if need be, could be beneficial if there are future issues.

For visits, do the adoptive parents travel to a location convenient for the birth family?

Birth parents and adoptive parents include this decision within their initial agreement. Depending on how your relationship grows with one another, arrangements can be subject to change out of convenience for both parties.

These are some of the example questions expecting parents can ask adoption agencies. We know that this is a difficult time and you might have many more questions to ask. The important thing is that you ask anything you have in mind and express any concerns before you make your decision.

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