The Do’s and Don’t’s of Pregnancy

Being pregnant is an exciting time, and while you might feel like wonder woman and want to continue some of your daily activities/habits, it might be best for you and your baby to put them to rest until the end of your pregnancy.

  1. Amusement Parks –DON’T

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that you should probably nix the big time roller-coasters. By riding one of these thrill rides, it is a huge risk to your placenta. Sean Daneshmand, M.D., a maternal-fetal medicine specialist at the San Diego Perinatal Center says, “as with car accidents, roller coaster rides’ sudden movements are associated with a condition called placental abruption.” He goes onto explain how this occurs “when the placenta prematurely separates from the uterine wall, potentially having major negative effects on your pregnancy outcome.” To add to the amusement park stress, standing in long lines increases your chances of developing deep vein thrombosis in your legs.

  1. Brazilian Wax – DO!

Turns out it is perfectly safe for pregnant women to undergo a Brazilian wax down below! During pregnancy, your hormones are causing your hair to grow at a much quicker speed, ultimately causing you to become more obsessed on hair removal techniques. Not only is waxing less time consuming than shaving, it just makes sense to get a wax, because as your belly grows, you’ll find it more difficult to reach or even see certain areas. You might find that your skin may become more sensitive during these 40 weeks, (which is totally normal) so to decrease the painful experience, try using witch hazel to help soothe the irritated skin.

  1. Concerts – DO!

Expecting mommies can have fun too! Although the loud music might damage the hearing of the mother (along with anybody else in the audience, pregnant or not) it will not affect the baby. The developing baby can hear noises outside the mother’s belly, but the amniotic fluid softens the sound. By floating in a bag of fluids surrounded by tissue, noise is decreased by 30 decibels. If you want to know what that feels like, visualize being underwater in a swimming pool while loud music is blasting above water!

  1. Heels – DO

While in the earliest stages of your pregnancy, wearing even the highest heels is not only trendy, but also doable. You’re not causing any pain to your baby by looking fabulous! The concern of wearing them though, appear later on in the third trimester. You might realize, your feet have swelled, making your foot size larger. This makes wearing heels dangerous due to the fact you might trip and fall. Your center of gravity also changes as you get more and more pregnant, making you less steady on stilettos.

  1. E- Cigs – DON’T

One word: Nicotine. If you read the claims, these cigs still contain this nasty substance, which causes birth defects and increase the risk of SIDS. Not only are you potentially hurting your newborn, you’re also hurting yourself. Also, fun-fact: e-cigs aren’t regulated by the FDA. This means you can’t be 100% positive what kind of chemicals and toxins you’re exposing you and your baby to.