Once people discover you are pregnant, people will begin predicting if you are having a boy or girl based on what you eat, how you carry the baby, and how you feel. Even

Here are common gender predicting wives’ tales people often use to guess if you are having a boy or a girl (important to note that these are not accurate gender indicators):


Predictions Based on How You Feel

Early in pregnancy morning sickness, it’s a girl.

If you have a lot of heartburn during pregnancy your baby will have a lot of hair.

If your feet are cold that means you are having a boy.

If you have extreme nausea during pregnancy, you are having a girl.


Predictions Based on How You Look

Based on gender predicting wives’ tales If your hair develops red highlights, it’s a girl.

If the hair on your legs is growing faster than before pregnancy, it’s a boy.

If you start to have acne during your pregnancy, you are having a girl.

If you are carrying your baby weight out in front, you are having a girl but if most of the weight is on your hips and booty you are having a boy.

If you have lots of fullness in your face, it’s a girl.

Carrying high, it’s a girl. Carrying low, it’s a boy.

If your breasts become lopsided, it’s a girl.

If you are glowing, you are having a boy. Looking less fabulous, it’s a girl.

If your hands are dry during a pregnancy, you’re having a boy and soft hands mean you are having a girl.


Predictions Based on What You Eat

Craving red meat? It’s a boy. Prefer Calcium-rich foods, it’s a girl.

If you crave orange juice you are having a girl.

If you are craving salty food, you are going to have a boy. Sweet cravings mean you are having a girl.


Other Gender Predicting Wives’ Tales

Hang a pendant over your belly and if it moves in a circular motion, you are having a girl but if it swings back and forth, you are having a boy.

If the dad-to-be is gaining weight along with you, it’s a boy.

If the baby’s heart rate is above 140 it’s a girl and below 140 it’s a boy.


In addition to the above gender predicting wives’ tales there is also an ancient Chinese Birth Chart that claims to be able to predict the gender of a baby with a 93 percent accuracy.


There are lots more gender predicting wives’ tales. What are some that you have been told throughout your pregnancy?