
It may make sense to get a message while pregnant to relax and decompress, however, the rubbing around the abdomen is not advised during the first 3 months of pregnancy. If considering getting a message or any type of body therapy, it’s important to check in with an OBGYN or doctor to see whether they would find this to be beneficial. Also, it’s best to work with massage therapists who are professionally trained to work specifically with pregnant women.

Cleaning Products

One can never be be too safe when being around products that contain toxic chemicals. It’s advised to check and see the warning labels for pregnant women on cleaning products. A persons body is very fragile when pregnant and using toxic cleaning products may not only affect it but could put the baby at risk as well. It’s best to avoid using an excessive amount of cleaning products.




Staying at a healthy weight while pregnant is great, however, it’s advised to check in with a doctor first to make sure there are no complications that would prevent exercise. If it’s acceptable to be active, it’s recommended to keep the exercise light to moderate and to work your way up. Remember that exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous to be beneficial.



Fake tanning/Sunbeds

Changes in hormone levels while pregnant can change the intensity level of the skin sensitivity, causing the reaction to process faster. While fake tanning lotions and sprays are a safer substitute, the active ingredient within those lotions and sprays can be harmful. This is a non-toxic substance that is called dihydroxyacetone(DHA) that reacts with cells in the outermost layer of the skin. It can cause allergic reactions in women who are pregnant. It’s safest to just stay away from these fake tanners. Sunbeds can also show a similar effect where the skin is more prone to have a reaction. Sunbeds produce ultraviolet rays that can be very harmful and increase the risk of skin cancer developing.


Food & Drinks

Common foods to avoid while being pregnant are:

  • raw or partially cooked eggs,
  • meat that is raw
  • shellfish that is raw
  • coffee
  • energy drinks

The reason that these meats should be dodged is due to their risk of food poisoning. It can be difficult to know when or where this could happen. It’s useful to just avoid it all together.

As for the drinks, it’s advised to speak with a doctor first because these drinks contain high levels of caffeine. An excessive amount of caffeine can be too much on the body and increase the risk of birth difficulties. If it’s small amounts don’t worry but once the intake is reaching more than 300mg a day it can create a larger risk.


While all these things are a part of life and may not seem to cross the mind during pregnancy it’s very helpful to try and avoid them.