Facing an unplanned pregnancy can cause you to feel an abundance of emotions. An unplanned pregnancy may leave you feeling unsure as to what your next step of action should be. What are you going to do? Should you tell your friends and family? What are your options? Is there support available? So, whether you know the answer to all those questions, or if you are completely perplexed, it is important to understand that there are people here to help you. Below are three key concepts that are going to help you with your pregnancy and your mental health.

Accept What is Happening

You took a test and it’s positive. Before making any decisions, it is important to make an appointment with your doctor or a clinic, like Planned Parenthood. During that appointment, the pregnancy will be confirmed, and your healthcare provider will be able to give you information regarding your prenatal health. It is important to take care of yourself physically, but also mentally. You need support and love, not a lecture. Do not focus on the past, what should have happened, or what shouldn’t have happened. You’re pregnant. Focus on the present and the future. Avoid people with judgmental attitudes. Surrounding yourself with bad energy can cause damage. Above all, it is important to be selfish and kind to yourself during this period.

Learn About Your Options

While you still may feel confused and overwhelmed, it is important to understand that you have options. Exploring those options and deciding which path is best for you and your baby is crucial. Only you know what is best for you, so do not let anyone make you feel otherwise. Making this plan will take some weight off your shoulders and make you feel in control of the situation. The three common options pregnant women explore are Parenting, Termination, and Adoption. It is important to take your time and learn as much about each option as possible to fully understand which option is best. Always keep in mind, it is your decision and only you know what is best for you and your baby.

Find Unplanned Pregnancy Support 

Surround yourself with friends and family who are supportive and bring positivity. Aside from your immediate circle, there are support groups. There are support groups for every situation. You can attend support groups for all three options of pregnancy before you make a decision, and after. There are also counseling centers to go to for support and empathy. Unplanned pregnancy is very overwhelming, and it takes a lot of strength to make a decision. Therefore, you deserve all the support that is available to you. Always remember that you are not alone.

Here’s a link to find a Planned Parenthood near you: https://www.plannedparenthood.org

Here’s a link to a pregnancy options brochure: https://42xmhy2ov5vg2is5r9zuf5fc-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/Learn-About-Your-Options-revision-1-2018.pdf