Top 3 Pregnancy Blog Posts

A wide variety of topics have been covered in the blog over the last year and so we wanted to recap the top 3 pregnancy blog posts from 2015 starting with…


#1 Favorite Baby Announcement/Gender Reveal Ideas

Spilling The Beans Gender RevealAs soon as you announce your pregnancy, the next question is often is it a boy or girl. If you are looking for a creative way to reveal your child’s gender to your friends and family, this blog is a great place to start! Social media posts, creative pregnancy announcements, gender reveal parties and more.




#2 Working Out While Pregnant

Working out while pregnantMany times expecting mothers question if they should continue their regular exercise regimen, or even start a new regimen to remain healthy once they discover that they are pregnant. The answer is, YES! Regular exercise during pregnancy can have many health benefits. Exercising while pregnant can prepare you for the stamina that labor will require, improve your posture, decrease back pains and fatigue, lower stress, and in some cases even prevent gestational diabetes.



#3 How Do I Tell My Loved Ones That I’m Pregnant

PIXABAYwoman-358779For many women who have just learned that they are facing an unplanned pregnancy, telling others about the situation is a huge fear.

This step is tough for almost everyone. But even tougher would be traveling down this road without the support of your friends and family. Holding the truth in – your secret will just grow and grow, eventually straining your relationships and damaging your own emotional health. You have to tell them, but how?

Do you have a favorite post or a topic that we haven’t covered yet? Let us know.