Are you worried about continuing or starting an exercise program now that you’re pregnant?

Being active throughout your pregnancy can help ease many of the common problems of pregnancy.  Many studies have shown that doing mild to moderate activity for 20 to 30 minutes a day three to four times a week can be beneficial.  But before you start any exercise program be sure to consult your health care provider to make sure it is safe.

Consultation, Assessment, Medicine, Pregnancy, Pregnant

Getting your body moving helps with circulation which reduces swelling in your feet, ankles and prevents leg cramps. By strengthening muscles that support the back you will notice a decrease in back pain and less strain when you are doing daily tasks. If you have problems sleeping (especially in the last trimester) exercising at least three hours before going to bed will help to work off energy and allow you to sleep through the night.  

Mild to moderate activity can also help you cope with stress and improve body image. Sticking to an exercise regimen will help build and maintain muscle strength and tone which can help you during child birth. It can also maintain your weight throughout pregnancy.

Pregnant, Girl, Woman, Pregnancy, Expectant Mother

When you finally decide what exercise you’re going to do, keep a few things in mind:

  • Dress comfortably
  • Avoid really constricting clothing
  • Eating five to six small balanced meals throughout the day will help maintain your energy.
  • Most importantly be sure to stay hydrated! Drink plenty of water before and after you exercise.


Lastly avoid any activities that could potentially cause harm to you or the baby. Some activities to stay away from include:

  • skiing
  • horseback riding
  • mountain climbing
  • Contact sports.


Some recommended activities include:

  • walking
  • swimming
  • water aerobics
  • prenatal yoga


These activities have a lower chance of injury.


Pregnant, Woman, Exercise, Physical


Take 20 to 30 minutes out of you day to exercise and you’ll find that you will have more energy, feel better throughout the day.

