Pregnancy can be a difficult process whether, it be expected or unexpected. Finding the right support system that can provide you with all your options can seem like a heavy burden, especially if you’ve already given birth and might want to change your mind about your current decision. Whether you want to parent, place your child for adoption, or just need to discuss your options, you may have more time than you think to decide. We’re here to help. 


Reaching out 

Family not supportive of adoption plan

Deciding to reach out for help can be a scary task. You may experience pressure from family and friends on your decision, but remember this is your decision; other people only have as much say as you allow them to. Agencies like Adoptions From The Heart are there to support you in whatever way you need. Whether that be to listen or to set you up with different options, no matter if you’re at the hospital to give birth or if you’ve already had the child for some time. If you’re not sure about adoption, they will provide you with resources to voluntary foster care if you just need time to get your life in order, or they can set you up with potential adoptive families that you will be able to choose for your child. Depending on the state, the adoption process can provide a waiting process before your child is officially adopted so that you can be sure the decision is right for you and the child, no matter how old they might be. 


At the hospital & Newborns 

If you’re at the hospital and deciding between about adoption, it is normal to be afraid or nervous or even completely settled in your choice. Social workers can be a valuable resource when going through the process. They can help provide support, and they shouldn’t pressure you into making a decision other than the one that is best for you. They can walk you through your options and provide  counseling to help you make an informed decision about your child’s future. There is no such thing as wasting a social worker’s time when  making your decision,;  they are there to help you and the baby. If you decide to place your child your social worker will help you decide the amount of openness you want and then walk you through the families that could potentially adopt your child. 

The process for Newborns or children under a year is very similar to hospital adoption, except, in the case of open adoption, you may have more time to meet with families rather than choosing quickly at the hospital. Your feelings are valid, and your social worker will still be a valuable resource in walking you through the process, no matter the stage. 


Older children 

It is okay to consider placing an older child for adoption. You may have personal goals you want to achieve, you may not be in the best mental or financial situation, or maybe you never wanted to be a parent. There are many reasons that you may begin to consider adoption for an older child. If the reasons are solely financial, organizations like Adoptions From The Heart can help you with finding financial support systems available to assist you if you want to parent. If your reasons are more than financial, adoption may be the best choice for you and your child. Open adoption would allow you to keep a relationship with your child while also giving them the chance to have the life you want for them. Adoptions From The Heart will provide counseling before you make a decision, during the process, and well after your child is placed. They can also connect you with support groups to help deal with any feelings you may have. 


Overall, it is never too late to think about adoption. It does not make you a bad parent. You have to choose the right thing for you and the child.