Considering Adoption: How Can I Know That I Won’t Regret My Decision?

Considering Adoption: How Can I Know That I Won’t Regret My Decision?

By |2020-10-07T17:08:05+00:00December 26th, 2019|Categories: Guides To Pregnancy, Local Resources For Pregnant Women, Unplanned Pregnancy|

Considering Adoption: How Can I Know That I Won’t Regret My Decision?

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to predict the future. Likewise, it’s impossible to know your future emotions. However, what you can do is make sure that you are making this decision for all the right reasons. If you are making this decision for the long-term benefit of your child, it will leave no room for regret.

Things to Keep in Mind: 

Don’t. Rush.

Take as much time to think about the decision as you need. Time will tell.

Prepare Yourself as Much as Possible.

Don’t sugarcoat it. It’s going to be hard. While choosing adoption might be easy for some, going through with it is a whole different story. Imagine what the process is going to be like and think of ways that you will cope with the

heartache. Despite preparation, the experience won’t compare to what you imagine, be mindful of this. Don’t be hesitant to talk to someone frequently about how you are feeling before, during, and after placing your child for adoption. Designate people to confide in and create a support system.

Why Am I Leaning Towards Adoption?

Remember, placing your child is your and the child’s father’s decision solely. Do not let others’ ideas persuade you to do something you don’t want to.

Don’t Settle.

Take time to choose a family you love. Placing your baby with the right family will give you a sense of security. When it comes to this process let your heart lead the way. Fall in love with your child’s adoptive parents. If you ever feel a sense of uncertainty, these people will be a reminder of why you chose this path.

When or if you ever feel a sense of uncertainty rise. Go back to the beginning. Remember why you choose this path. Write down a list of your reasons and keep it somewhere safe. Look back on it as much as often as you need to.

Contact Us.

If you are pregnant or think you might be pregnant and need someone to talk to call 1-800-355-5500 or visit our website at


To learn more check out these articles:

How Do You know If You’re Ready to Be a Mom?

Suggested Questions Expecting Parents Should Ask Agencies When Considering Placing

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