Are you aware that an electric pump can cost up to $400? Well not anymore! The Affordable Care Act that was passed in 2010 includes helping pregnant women and new moms pay for lactation support, breastfeeding equipment and counseling! If your coverage started on August 1st, 2012 or later, breastfeeding support services and equipment MUST be covered 100% by your insurance, no copay needed!

Even if you aren’t sure you will be needing a pump, this is an opportunity we encourage you to take advantage of so that you have a pump in case you do need it. Sometimes it can be a drawn out process to finally receive your breast pump so we suggest contacting your insurance a few months before your babies due date. If it turns out that you do not need your pump, you can donate it to many women’s shelters who provide them for nursing mothers who do not have insurance.

Did you know that because of the Affordable Care Act that was passed in 2010, most insurance plans now COVER the entire cost of a new breast pump? Read more about the Affordable Care Act and the benefits of pumping for you AND your newborn!

Affordable Care Act


The best way to get started on the process to get a free breast pump is to contact your health insurance company. You can either buy one on your own and submit the receipt to your insurance company for reimbursement OR you can work directly with a breast pump supplier and pay ZERO out of pocket! The supplier will actually front the cost of the breast pump and submit the claim to your insurance company for you. There are three different main providers you can choose from.

  1. Lucina Care: They offer pumps by main brands such as; Phillips, Avent and Nuk.
  2. EdgePark: They specialize in medical supply delivery and offer pumps by Medela, Ameda and Tomy.
  3. Byram Healthcare: They offer breast pumps for Ameda, Hygeia and Medela.


Why Pumping Can Benefit You and Your Baby


When breastfeeding challenges arise, many first time mothers resort to formula feeding because they not know of any other option. Pumping is an alternate option for those mothers who struggle with getting their baby to latch or for mothers who need to return to work right away. Solely pumping can be very time consuming and can be stressful at times but the benefits often outweigh the burden.  See below for just some benefits that breast milk has over formula when it comes to your baby’s health.

  • Breast milk contains antibodies, which will strengthen your baby’s immune system.
  • Breast milk protects your baby’s gut against all types of illnesses.
  • Breast milk is easier to digest than formula.
  • Children that are breastfed, have a lower risk of vomiting and diarrhea.
  • There is a lowered risk of childhood diabetes in breastfed babies.
  • Breastfed children have a lower risk of asthma, eczema, ear infections and bronchitis.
  • Improved brain and nervous system development.
  • There is reduced risk of heart disease later on in life.
  • Breastfed babies are more content and cry less than formula fed babies.



Breast Pumping Tips


Mothers sometimes struggle to maintain sufficient milk supplies when pumping breast milk exclusively and that is why we wanted to clue you in on some tips and strategies of maintaining enough milk!

  1. Drink LOTS of fluids, especially water, it will hydrate your body to increase milk production
  2. Eat a well- balanced diet.
  3. Get plenty of rest; lack of sleep will decrease your milk supply
  4. Herbs that can increase supply that are still safe for you body
  5. Drain your breasts as much as possible with every pumping session; this will signal your body to produce more milk.
  6. Maintain a regular pumping schedule when possible
  7. Watch a video of your baby or have a blanket/onesie your baby recently used as these things can help signal for the letdown to occur faster which would increase the speed of your pumping.


Just because you are pumping doesn’t mean you can’t do anything. You can pump while watching your favorite TV show or you can even get the hands free bra pump and get some of your work done!

If after trying all of these different strategies to keep your milk supply up DOESN’T work, don’t be to hard on yourself. Being a mother can be stressful as it is and there is no reason to add additional stress. As long as your baby is being fed and living a healthy lifestyle, nothing else matters!